India brings down bodies of seven climbers killed in Avalanche

India brings down bodies of seven climbers killed in Avalanche

Indian authorities on Wednesday, airlifted the bodies of seven climbers killed in an avalanche near the country’s second highest mountain in May to the biggest town in the area for identification and repatriation, officials said.

Eight climbers – four from Britain, two from the United States, and one each from Australia and India – went missing on May 31 after they failed to return to their base camp near the 7,816 metre (25,643 feet) mountain, Nanda Devi.

The body of the eighth climber has not been found.

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The paramilitary Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) was leading the mission to bring the bodies down from the mountains to the town of Pithoragarh, in the north of Uttarakhand.

The seven were brought down in an Indian air force helicopter.