Zimbabwe Suffers two extremes as Drought Begins!

coronavirus cases in zimbabwe hits 10

Zimbabwe, yet to fully recover from the Cyclone Idai that has ravaged the country and led to several cases of Cholera Outbreak is some facing Drought in the Eastern part of the Country.

Lake Chivero, identified as the major source of water is now 60% of its usual capacity according th the Harare City Council’s Manager, Richard Kunyadini, while the other Rivers Harava and Seke are about 7 percent full.

Citizens are now rationing thier consumption of water, and usually affects the less privileged citizens more than the affluent.

Mutasa Tatenda, a climate change scientist has warned that warming temperatures and changes in precipitation is largely responsible for the Country’s water supply or lack of it, advises that measures need to be put in place to ensure efficient use of water across the country.