Hong Kong Leader, Carrie Lam now facing a No-Confidence Vote


The Executive Council members have joined Hong Kong Leader Carrie Lam to apologize over the Extradition Bill for failing to recognize the sentiments of the populace as they admitted they didn’t expect the bill to affect more than 0.01percent of Hongkongers.

The Extradition Bill has now been suspended due to the shocking and alaming tenacity of 2 million protesters against the move as opposed to the withdrawal which the people have sought.

The Extradition Bill hoped to have criminal offenders in Hong Kong face trial in mainland China to prevent discrepances and loopholes within the legal system, however many have pushed against the move for several issues.

Read the reason for their strong opposition here


Carrie Lam has offered sincere apologies and hopes to find other means to ensure that protesters who break the law are brought to justice.

In what appears to be a massive backlash, many are now pushing for Carrie Lam to step down from her position beginning Sunday this week in a peaceful protest accusing the police of using excessive force in subduing the clashes with the crowd earlier on Wednesday the 12th of June with an estimated 1 million protesters and that since she was the originator of the bill, should be held accountable.